ARUBA - Jan. 27, 2025 – Directie Volksgezondheid (DVG) publiceert nieuwe richtlijnen voor geluidsbeheer tijdens muziekevenementen. Gehoorverlies is onomkeerbaar, dus het is cruciaal om ons gehoor te beschermen. Deze richtlijnen zijn bedoeld om zowel deelnemers, muzikanten, toeschouwers als werkenden tijdens evenementen zoals Carnaval en concerten te beschermen.
Important guidelines:
- Indoor spaces: Maximum 90 dB, measured from the stage to the farthest spot from the audience.
- Outdoor spaces (until noon): Maximum 100 dB. After noon: maximum 95 dB, measured at the site boundary.
- Carnival parades: Maximum 90 dB measured 10 meters away from the speakers.
Previous measurements during Carnival parades showed levels up to 115 dB, which can not only cause hearing damage but also induce heart rate disorders, stress and irritation.
The guideline, "Directive Nuisance Noise Standards for Music Events," provides sound engineers and organizers with tools to contribute to the health of everyone's hearing. The document can be downloaded in full from the DVG website ( under the research/announcement section.
Learn more:
- Facebook: Directorate of Public Health DVG Aruba
- Instagram: @directorate_public_health_aruba
- Website:
- Phone: 5224200
- E-mail: