Aruba's Torchlight Parade Reaches Milestone: Zero Arrests by 2025

The Torchlight Parade (Parada di Flambeu), a highlight of the Aruba Carnival season, made history this year by ending without any arrests. This remarkable achievement marks an important step in ensuring safety and fun for all participants and shows Aruba as an example of safe and vibrant festivities.

A Steady Decline in Arrests
In recent years, the Torchlight Parade has shown a consistent decline in arrests:

  • 2023: 19 arrests for offenses such as drunkenness, brawls, drug possession and weapons possession.
  • 2024: 8 arrests, a reflection of improved security measures and community cooperation.
  • 2025: 0 arrests, a historic achievement.

This positive trend highlights the effectiveness of the efforts of the Aruba Police Department (Cuerpo Policial di Aruba), led by Chief of Police Arnhem and PR Liliana Erasmus, to promote security while maintaining a festive atmosphere.

A Mass of Participants and Spectators
This year's Torchlight Parade drew nearly 10,000 participants, an impressive number that reflects the popularity and community spirit of the event. Along the route, thousands of spectators gathered to enjoy the colorful light shows, music and dancing that make this parade so unique. The presence of such a large crowd makes the zero arrests even more remarkable and shows the strength of cooperation between the police and the community.

Cooperation and Commitment
The success of the 2025 Torchlight Parade is due to the strong cooperation between the police and the community. Several police departments, including uniform officers, K-9 teams, ME, AT and administrative personnel, worked tirelessly to ensure a smooth and safe event. Improved planning, awareness campaigns and a shared commitment to safety played a crucial role in achieving this milestone.

Aruba: The Safest Place to Party
The lack of arrests not only highlights the effectiveness of security measures, but also reinforces Aruba's reputation as a safe and welcoming destination. The Torchlight Parade, known for its brilliant light shows, music and cultural vibrancy, has set a new standard for Carnival events worldwide.

A Message of Gratitude
Congratulations to Chief of Police Arnhem, PR Liliana Erasmus and the entire Aruba Police Department. Their leadership and dedication have been crucial in creating a safe and enjoyable environment for all. This achievement reflects the spirit of the Aruban community and proves once again that "Arubans are the best party people."

As the Carnival season continues, this success sets the bar high for future events and inspires continued collaboration and celebration. Aruba, One Happy Island, continues to shine as a beacon of safety, culture and joy.

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