Editorial Code of Quantum Quorum Media

Ethical Guidelines for Responsible Journalism

At Quantum Quorum Media, we are committed to ethical journalism and transparency. Our editorial code serves as a guide for our editors, journalists, and staff. It is our compass in producing fair, respectful, and honest journalism that earns the trust of our audience.

1. Transparency

  • We are open about how our stories are created, including our editorial choices and sources used.
  • Errors are honestly admitted and publicly corrected in a visible place, such as a correction page or an update to the original story.
  • Sponsorship or commercial interests are clearly indicated in sponsored content without affecting editorial independence.

2. Objectivity and Impartiality.

  • We strive for balanced and objective reporting by presenting all relevant facts and perspectives.
  • No party, person or organization is favored or disadvantaged in our reporting.

3. Privacy Protection

  • We respect the privacy of individuals and do not publish personal information without explicit consent unless there is a strong public interest.
  • With vulnerable groups, such as children and victims, we apply extra caution.

4. Hearing and Responding

  • All those involved in a story get a chance to highlight their side of the issue, especially with allegations or sensitive topics.
  • If rebuttal is not possible, we state this explicitly in the publication.

5. No Instigation or Stereotyping

  • We avoid language that may incite division, hatred or violence.
  • Stereotypes and biases are actively avoided in our reporting unless relevant to the context of the story.

6. Fact check

  • All information is thoroughly checked before publication.
  • Sources are evaluated for reliability and credibility. Anonymous sources are used only when absolutely necessary and in the public interest.

7. Independence

  • We are free from political, commercial or other interests that may influence our reporting.
  • Editors and journalists report possible conflicts of interest to ensure transparency and credibility.

8. Respect for Image Use

  • We use images and videos with respect for the dignity of those involved.
  • Shocking or violent images are used only when essential to the story and with a clear warning in advance.

9. Correction policy

  • Corrections are published quickly and transparently.
  • Readers can easily report errors through an accessible correction form on our website.

10. Public Accountability

  • Quantum Quorum Media appoints an ombudsman to handle complaints and inquiries from the public.
  • Every year we publish a report explaining our ethical choices and the feedback we have received.

Our Promise to the Public

At Quantum Quorum Media, we believe that trust is the foundation of good journalism. Our editorial code is a living guideline that we constantly review and improve to ensure our integrity and quality. We are always open to feedback and dialogue with our audience because we believe in a transparent and respectful approach to news and information.

"Honest journalism is not only a right, but also a responsibility."

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